About this platform

Europe is all about culture, and it would be impossible to imagine the world without the rich European cultural heritage – its philosophy, architecture, literature, art, music, etc. Europe has a unique mission – it has given the world the great ideas about the perfect society that is built upon the principles of freedom, equality and harmony. Europe’s artistic movements and schools of thought have shaped the history of many countries around the globe. After WWII, the humanitarian ideals that are encoded in European history served as cornerstones in the foundation of the European Union (EU).  

Twenty years after joining the EU, seven universities from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia, with Ukraine as the associated partner, have joined efforts to strengthen cultural and academic cooperation in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The framework for this collaboration is provided by the CAMINO project ("CAMINO – 20 years of cultural enrichment in reunified Europe"). It was launched in March 2024, and the creation of this cooperation platform is a start for a long-term collaboration in the fields of culture for many years to come.

How to use this platform?

This online platform serves two main purposes – information exchange and inspiration. By sharing information on cultural and academic projects and events that take place in each of the partner universities, we aim to inspire students and academics to participate and contribute to closer cultural exchange. After all, any form of cultural expression – be it music, dance or art – fosters creativity and stronger ties among people, creating the sense of belonging and strengthening communities.

If you enroll in a student or academic staff exchange programme, this platform can be your guide in finding like-minded people at your chosen university – be it a dance group, a choir, arts or theatre club. Here you can find information about activities and cooperation initiatives that are taking place in partner universities, and perhaps you would be interested to be part of them.

This platform is hosted by the University of Latvia, and its content is administered by all partner universities on equal terms. 

The platform was developed within the framework of the CAMINO project, funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.